Learn More About Our Mission and Values
Learn More About Our Mission and Values
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Columbia University is a campus ministry to students through students, welcoming Christians and non-Christians alike, and having oversight from an ordained campus minister. We believe that the Christian gospel tells the true, beautiful story of God's work through Jesus to heal our broken world and mend our broken hearts. This deep conviction moves us to radically serve our neighbors and to reach out to undergraduates with the historic truths of Christianity, seeking to provide guidance, community, and rest in the midst of an otherwise hectic life.
Columbia RUF exists to serve students and to point them to the amazing hope and freedom that is found in the Christian gospel. Our deepest desires are for Columbia students to come to know and experience the love of Jesus in community with others, grow in their understanding of how their faith in Christ impacts every aspect of their lives, then watch them move out into the world to serve the Lord through their vocations and in our churches.
The way in which we grow in the Christian life is the same way we enter it- by receiving Jesus and relying on what he has done for us by his grace. That is why we are devoted to helping one another use the means which God has given us to promote our growth in Christ-likeness. We affirm that deep, lasting change occurs by studying the Bible, developing a prayer life, participating in worship, and forming authentic relationships with others.
Jesus not only calls us to follow him as individuals, but also gathers us into an open and honest community where we learn how to love and serve others. We strive to reflect the values of the gospel, and as we do we provide the world around us with a glimpse of who God is and what his coming kingdom entails. We want to love our neighbors well, those within and those outside of RUF, and will do so through tangible acts of service at Columbia University and in New York City.
We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and that it therefore can't be kept to ourselves. We are committed to thoughtfully and respectfully communicating this good news through the words we speak, the deeds we perform, and the community we embody so that we might give others the opportunity to discover the true story of God's grace. And since the salvation that Jesus brings is a comprehensive redemption, we will express the Lord's care for his world by aiding the poor, seeking justice for the oppressed, and participating in the restoration of creation.
Christianity is a way of seeing all of life. Rather than dividing the world into sacred and secular realms, we recognize that every sphere of life belongs to God and provides us with an opportunity to serve him. We aim, therefore, to discern our unique vocations within the world and to pursue them with excellence and integrity so that our university as well as our culture might experience the renewal of the gospel.
Dr. Timothy Keller (Redeemer Pres, NYC) explains the vital nature of RUF's ministry to college students and its strategic import for the larger church.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) seeks to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve God and others. This ministry takes place under the guidance of an ordained campus minister; as such, we acknowledge that God has uniquely gifted every Christian to contribute to the work of the church and that he has called pastors in particular to equip all of God's people for their specific callings. Seminary training enables a campus minister to effectively anticipate and address the questions and challenges students face in a university setting. Click here to read more about the Importance of Having an Ordained Minister on Campus.
RUF is sending Rev. Eric Lipscomb to Columbia University to communicate the gospel with and to shepherd students through their formative college years, in order to equip them for a lifetime of ministry through their vocations and within our churches.
Columbia RUF is affiliated with several local churches here in New York City: Redeemer, Emmanuel, Uptown Community, Exilic, and Central. RUF seeks to instill within students a deep love for the local church so that they will experience a robust community of faith during college and prepare them to love and serve the church upon graduation.
As a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Reformed University Fellowship holds to the core beliefs of historic Christianity which motivate our heart for God and our love for the university.